Applications of neural networks in defense projects and efforts: a mapping study


  • Darli Vieira
  • Alencar Bravo
  • Rodrigo Dos Santos


machine learning, neural networks, project management, artificial intelligence, systematic mapping study


Abstract: Defense is one domain that is very broad and diverse in nature with an enormous range of complex projects and efforts. In this field, the application of cutting-edge technologies is one of the keys in coping with the complexity and it has been actively pursued and researched by many countries. Currently, artificial intelligence is one of the most promising technologies that is predicted to shape the future of complex military projects and efforts. The objective of this paper is to obtain a more accurate vision of how far the use of neural networks has penetrated into military and defense projects. This article provides an overview of machine learning and deep learning, which is essential for understanding why militaries around world might use such algorithms to automate a range of military tasks. Furthermore, a systematic mapping study was conducted, which confirmed that these algorithms are already extensively employed as important components of several defense use cases and applications, with emphasis on image-related artificial intelligence tasks, also known as machine/deep vision. We also show that modern variants of neural networks, such as convolutional neural networks and convolutional recurrent neural networks, are commonly found, representing further evidence of the military’s will to quickly embrace cutting-edge technological paradigms.


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How to Cite

Vieira, . D., Bravo, A. ., & Dos Santos, R. . (2022). Applications of neural networks in defense projects and efforts: a mapping study. Value Management Journal, 1(01). Retrieved from